You're enthusiastic Family and Brand Photographer based out of Lehi, Utah. Ready to dive into your vision for your images. I love sharing my knowledge that I've gained after being a professional for over 10 years! Send me your questions!
As a brand photographer in Utah, capturing the essence of a business through visuals is both an art and a science. It’s not just about taking cute photos or JUST a headshot on a white background. I wanted to delve into the importance of dressing appropriately for your brand sessions, discussing color choices, clothing types, and the power of outfit variety to create a lasting impression. Whether you’re hiring a professional or just trying to create your own photos here are some things to consider when choosing your outfits.
Colors play a significant role in conveying emotions and creating a cohesive brand identity. When selecting your outfits for your brand photos, consider your business’s color palette. Aligning your clothing with your brand’s colors creates a visual harmony that strengthens brand recognition.
2. Clothing Types: Conveying Your Brand’s Personality
Just as colors evoke emotions, the style of clothing you choose communicates your brand’s personality. There are several outfit options to consider for your brand sessions:
a) Business Casual: For a relaxed yet professional vibe, business casual attire strikes the perfect balance. It exudes confidence and approachability, making it suitable for most businesses. Layered clothing works best here, blazers, vests, button up shirts.
b) Casual: Depending on your brand’s identity, a casual outfit can convey a laid-back and relatable image. Make sure not to get TOO casual. No one wants to see ketchup stains on your favorite shirt that you work in behind the scenes. But your audience wants to know there’s a human behind the business.
c) Business: Depending on your particular business this is a great outfit choice for a new profile photo, email signature, business cards, mailers, etc.
d) Branded Attire: If your business has a logo or specific branding elements, consider incorporating them into your outfit. Wearing clothing with your logo prominently displayed reinforces brand recognition and creates a unified brand experience.
e) Dressy: If your brand doesn’t call for anything dressy then feel free to skip this one. But don’t be afraid to add this for some variety to your photos.
f) Just for Fun: Don’t forget to let your personality shine through! Adding a touch of fun to your brand photos by wearing an outfit that showcases your hobbies or favorite sports team can foster connection and relatability with your audience.
So whether you’re selling a product or service the clothes you wear in the photos you post can have a huge impact on relatability to your audience and create more trust. Keep in mind that clothing choices will not make or break your business but all the little things add up to create a cohesive business that people will line up to support. By paying attention to these details, you’ll be well on your way to creating captivating visuals that truly reflect the essence of your business. Happy brand photography!
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